Campaign photography

BURGER KING® and KFC® France are launching a unique collaboration: the “Best Friends Forever” burger. The two brands are putting their rivalry aside to offer the burger in all their French locations, with flame-grilled beef at BURGER KING® and crispy chicken at KFC®.

I had the honor of creating the three key campaign visuals that will shine across France to celebrate this historic moment. Special thanks to BUZZMAN for their trust and creative freedom, allowing me to bring this bold and playful idea to life.

Agence : BUZZMAN

Chairman et Directeur de la Création: Georges Mohammed-Chérif

Directeurs de Création: Lilian Moine & Julien Doucet

Concepteurs: Hugo Piedfort & Max Cossart

Responsable Production: Vanessa Barbel

Productrice Print: Chiara Prol

Photographe: Jef Boes @ ilastudio
Light & Assistance: Louis Philippe Beauduin

Retouche: TV REX
Production Film: HENRY

Producteur: Hugo Diaz

Réalisateur: Rick Darge