“One camera. One lens. Two actors.
That’s all we needed to create this awesome piece of advertising. We approached this shoot as I would have if I were shooting street scenes in a large city on my own. Of course, we needed some control and a way to quickly share what we shot with the creatives.
Thank you so much for trusting me to take this on my own. Thanks again to Louis Philippe for being there, assisting me in the way it should be done—helping to find angles I missed while focused on another shot, especially since we didn’t have much time after all. And thx to the guys from Ogilvy Amsterdam for .. yeah.. making me do this !
We took the train in Antwerp, drove and shot until we arrived in Amsterdam, then took the train back to Rotterdam, played around on the subway there, and rode in circles before finally taking the train back to Antwerp.
Enjoy the result.”